There Is No Such Thing as Death (John 11:26)

“So, I always strive to do right by God and people.” Acts 24:16 KSB

The transition from abundant life here on earth to eternal life and life everlasting. There is no such thing as death; there are only higher and higher forms of life. Since there is no death, we don’t say people die; instead, we say they transition. They have transitioned from abundant life to eternal life. Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life and that more abundantly.” People don’t pass away. You might say, “My loved one passed away,” but they never indeed pass away because they remain in your mind. They will never pass away because they are still in your heart. Their names are still on your lips. We speak their names, and they are alive as long as you think about them. As long as you feel and remember them, they are still alive. As long as you speak their name and talk about them, they are still alive. We often say, “Oh, I lost my loved one.” You didn’t lose them.

We know exactly where they are. To be absent from this physical body is to be present with the Lord. They are not lost; they are in the presence of God. They have taken on a glorified body and are in another form of life. There is no such thing as death. Jesus said, “Whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal, everlasting life. You cannot believe in Jesus and believe in death. The Bible says that we go to sleep and wake up into a higher form of consciousness. We lose this physical body, but we do not lose ourselves. We are spiritual beings who have taken on a physical form. When we no longer need to operate in this physical universe, we let go of these physical bodies and take on a glorified body, like Jesus did. Jesus walked through walls, appeared before His disciples, and showed Thomas the nails in His hands and the piercing in His side.

There is no such thing as death, so you don’t have to be afraid anymore. Jesus took the sting out of death: “O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?” Your loved ones are still with you. They are with you in spirit, like angels on the other side supporting, encouraging, and helping you from a higher level of consciousness. Your ancestors are your angels, helping you move forward in this physical existence. Give yourself permission to miss them physically and know they are still spiritually with you. Give yourself permission to weep and cry. That’s what Jesus did with Lazarus. Even though He knew that Lazarus would rise again, even though He knew He was the resurrection and the life, He still permitted Himself to feel His emotions. Jesus can relate to our feelings when it comes to our loved ones not being with us in physical form.

So, journal about it. Visit the grave if you need to. Put flowers on the grave. Look at pictures and videos. Join grief support groups. Get counseling if needed to receive the comfort you need. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” He didn’t say, “Cursed are those who mourn.” He said, “Blessed are those who mourn.” When you give yourself permission to grieve and mourn, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, will comfort you and give you the energy and strength to grieve healthily so you can move forward. When you feel those tears on their birthday or the anniversary of their transition, permit yourself to feel those feelings.


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