Are You a People Pleaser (Matthew 14:6) 06 February 2024

 Who are you pleasing today? Some of us are people pleasers. We live our entire lives trying to please people, trying to get their approval and validation. We get pleasure out of pleasing other people, and so we do everything looking for people to be pleased with us.

 Are you living your life for people, trying to please people? Some of us try to please ourselves, and we forget people. I AM   pleasing myself, and so all our lives are consumed with self-pleasure, and immediate gratification, and so we live our lives pleasing ourselves, or are you pleasing God? Are you living your life with one purpose: to please God? Are you concerned with whether or not God is pleased with you? At the end of the day, when God says well done, thou good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things. I will make you rule over me. That’s what I Am living for.

 I am living to please God; I desire for God to say about me as God said about Jesus my way shower: “This is my beloved son and whom I am well pleased.”  I desire God to be pleased with me  and I  would text today  Herodias, his daughter danced before  King Herod at a feast  and she danced before the king and entertained his guests in such a way that he was so pleased with her that he said what do you desire  I will give you anything up to half of my kingdom and she wasn’t clear about what she desire so she ran to her mother and said what shall I  ask the king for, her mother said ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter and so she went back to  Herod and said  I desire the head of John the Baptist on a platter.

 And even though Herod didn’t want to give it to her because he had said it because the decree and the edit had gone out, he had  John the Baptist beheaded; he gave her what she desired. Are you in a place in your life where instead of asking God for what you desire that God is so pleased with you, God is asking you what you desire? You remember Solomon that God asked him. God was so pleased with Solomon that God asked Solomon what he desired, and  Solomon said  I desire wisdom and knowledge and understanding to lead your people  and God told Solomon because you didn’t ask for a long life because you didn’t ask for retribution against your enemies because you didn’t ask for riches  I am going to give you what you didn’t ask for that  God was so pleased with Solomon that God gave him the desires of his heart and beyond.

 There’s a place in consciousness, a space in life Where God is so pleased with you that God exceeds abundantly above all that you can ask or even think according to the power that works within you. There is a place in consciousness where God is so pleased with you that God blesses you in a way that takes your breath away. There is a place in consciousness where God is so happy with you that God blows your mind and exceeds your expectations. Who are you pleased with today? Are you pleasing God? Are you working crazy to please people, or are you pleasing yourself? I guarantee if you please, God, if you also delight yourself in the lord, God will give you the desires of your heart.

 If you please, God, whatever you desire, one thing have I desired of the lord. That will I seek after that; I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in God’s temple if you please, God, even your enemies will be at peace with you when you please God you will see optimal health manifesting in your life, you will see harmonious relationships manifesting in your life, you will see overflowing wealth manifesting in your life because  God is so pleased with you. It is not just meeting your needs; God will supersede them and give you your desires.


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