Balancing Being & Birth: Jesus, the King of the Kingdom
Balancing Being & Birth: Jesus, the King of the Kingdom
READ | Matthew 1:16-25
Whether your parents were married, separated, or divorced, your conception was perfect for your purpose. Perhaps your parents were unmarried teenagers or adults who had not planned on having more children; your conception was still divine. Even if you were the product of rape, incest, abuse, or adultery, the Kingdom Principle of Divine Order remains in effect. As challenging as it may be, this principle reminds you of the truth that everything that has happened in your life happened exactly as it was supposed to happen. Your conception is no exception.
Jesus, your Wayshower, was not born under ideal circumstances. His conception was immaculate, yet very few people believed it. Many believed that Joseph and Mary did not wait until their honeymoon to consummate their marriage. Others thought that Mary was unfaithful to her fiancé, Josephand that Jesus was the result of that infidelity. Joseph even considered calling off the wedding until an angel appeared to him in a dream, informing him that Jesus was not conceived out of wedlock but by the Holy Spirit.
There are no accidents, no coincidences, and no mistakes. Therefore, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and there is no reason to hold your head down about the circumstances of your birth. Like Jesus, you can show people that, regardless of the circumstances surrounding your birth, you can live a happy, healthy, prosperous, and successful life.
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