I AM Open and Receptive to Divine, Unlimited Ideas (Mark 7:31-37)

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open (Revelation 3:7).” KSB 

When you were born, you entered this world open. You came into the earth through an open womb, you squinted and opened your eyes, and you opened your mouth to be fed and to cry. You began life open. But something happened along the way, a trauma, drama, or some painful experience that caused you to close yourself off. Now, you are on a journey to open up again. The same way something caused you to close, something can happen to help you open. I am on a journey to open, you are on a journey to open, we are on a journey to open, to open our minds to divine, unlimited ideas; to open our hearts to love; to open our eyes to see God and goodness in every person, place, and thing; to open our ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us; to open our mouths to speak what is good and positive; to open our hands to give and receive; to open our feet to go to new places and have new experiences. You are on a journey to open, and no matter how closed off you feel, a miracle, sign, or wonder can happen to make you open.

Some of us have deadbolt locks on our hearts and minds, with motion sensors and alarms that go off if anyone gets too close. Others may not have the alarms, but there’s still a chain on the lock. But you’re on a journey to open, where these chains are being removed from your heart and mind. You’re on a journey to open, where the deadbolt is coming off your mind and heart. For some, the door may still be closed not chained, but the mind or heart is still closed. You’re on a journey to open. Some of us are looking through the peephole, trying to see what’s on the other side of being open, wondering what might happen if we open up. Some of us crack the door slightly not fully open, but it’s a start. God is saying, “Give me that crack,” as part of your journey to openness. Eventually, we reach a place in our consciousness, thoughts, and fears where we open the door fully and say, “I am open and receptive to divine, unlimited ideas.” I am on a journey to openness, where the door God opens, no one can close, and the door God shuts, no one can open.

Many times, the doors in your life are closed because your mind and heart are closed. Be honest about being closed; be open about being closed. A closed door reflects a closed mind, and a closed window reflects a closed heart. But if you open your mind, doors of opportunity will open. If you open your heart, doors to harmonious relationships will open. We are on a journey to open. As you fast, allow God to heal you from your past. In this time of prayer, fasting, and reflection, let it be a journey to open yourself, where God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask. I am open enough to ask; I am open enough to think that it is possible. All things are possible because I believe, and I am open. I say yes to God, I say yes to good, and I am open.


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