
Showing posts from July, 2024
  Concentrate: I Channel My Energy in a Particular Direction (Romans 8:14)  It's not that you don't have the ability to do it; you're just all over the place. It's not that you don't have the power and the authority to bring it into manifestation; you're just distracted. God is saying in this season, "I need you to focus." I need you to concentrate. To concentrate means to channel your energy in a particular direction. God is energy, and you have endless energy to do what is yours to do, but you need to focus. You need to concentrate. You must focus and channel your energy in a particular direction. I know that you have a lot of dreams and goals, a lot of missions, and a lot of aspirations, but let's focus on one of them. Channel all of your energy in that direction so you can fulfill the promise of God and be fulfilled. It's time to focus. I know a lot of people in your life have a lot of things going on, but it is time for you to focus
  How Long Does It Take to Change a Habit (Luke 4:1) How long does it take to change an old habit? How long does it take to start a new habit? Some people say 21 days, some people say 30 days, some people say 40 days, and some people say 90 days. But I am going with the Bible because in the Bible, there are several 40-day experiences that cause transformation. For 40 days, God washed out all of the old and brought in all the new.   I believe that over the next 40 days, during this Lenten season, you are going to have a flood of blessings. All that is old, worn, obsolete, and no longer serves you well is going to be washed away. Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days, and God gave him the commandments and instructions. I believe that over the next 40 days, like Moses, you are going to be on the mountain and receive instruction, guidance, and direction. For 40 days, the giant Goliath intimidated the children of Israel. He taunted them until David, after 40 days, took his slingshot wi
  I Have Got Some Good News For You Today (Matthew 4:23-24) I have got   some good   news   to give   you today, light   dispels   darkness   that no   matter how   dark it   is   you are the light of the   world, you   are   a   city   set on   a hill that cannot be   here let your light   so shine   no matter how dark   it is on you job, neighborhood and your community   the light   that   you are dispels   darkness, the   darkness   has to disappear   when you   show   up   because you are the light   of   the world. Good   overcome evil, be not overcome   by evil   but overcome   evil with good, you be good   and no matter how evil their   intentions are   know that   they may   have meant it   for evil   but God   uses it for good, know that all   things are working   together for your good, good overcomes evil   and no matter how much evil   you    see in the world, on the news   you keep doing   good    because good   overcomes   evil he said   you may have   meant   it for
  Eat the fruit, Sow the Seed and there will always be  another harvest  (2 Corinthians 9:7)          Eat the fruit, sow the seed and there always be another harvest, many times we have lack, limitation, poverty, scarcity not having enough, not feeling like enough is because we eat the whole   harvest. We eat the fruit, we  eat the seed  and we don’t  save anything  but learn  how  to set aside  something  for God  because  when you  eat the  fruit and  sow the  seed  there is always  another  harvest  the bible  says that we sow sparingly  we reap sparingly  if we sow  bountifully  we  reap bountifully  and if we sow nothing we reap nothing. It is not  the judgement  of God, it is not  that you  are going to be  cursed  it is  that you didn’t  sow  anything  you ate the whole  harvest  so that what you ate  that was  all that  there is  but let us be  conscious  that there is  another  harvest  that God  has for me and if  I sow the  seed   in good  ground  I will reap another  harves
  I AM Lord of My Success (Joshua 1:8) The reason why many people are anxious, depressed, and suicidal is because they are not fulfilled. The reason why many people are engaged in addictions such as eating, drinking, and drugging themselves to death is because they feel empty inside. But you are the lord over your own success. You are the lord over your behaviors and your beliefs. You have to believe in yourself and then take the actions and steps to make it happen. Faith without works is dead. Stop waiting for someone else to make you successful. You are the lord over your own success, and heaven will back you up with your dreams and visions. You are the lord over your own dreams and visions. You have to make it happen by investing your time, talent, and treasure in yourself. It's your dreams, you have to make it happen. It's your vision, you have to bring it to pass. God will send people to support you and open doors for you, but you have to walk through those doors. What