Eat the fruit, Sow the Seed and there will always be  another harvest 

(2 Corinthians 9:7)   

     Eat the fruit, sow the seed and there always be another harvest, many times we have lack, limitation, poverty, scarcity not having enough, not feeling like enough is because we eat the whole   harvest. We eat the fruit, we  eat the seed  and we don’t  save anything  but learn  how  to set aside  something  for God  because  when you  eat the  fruit and  sow the  seed  there is always  another  harvest  the bible  says that we sow sparingly  we reap sparingly  if we sow  bountifully  we  reap bountifully  and if we sow nothing we reap nothing. It is not  the judgement  of God, it is not  that you  are going to be  cursed  it is  that you didn’t  sow  anything  you ate the whole  harvest  so that what you ate  that was  all that  there is  but let us be  conscious  that there is  another  harvest  that God  has for me and if  I sow the  seed   in good  ground  I will reap another  harvest  be not weary  and  well doing  for induce season  you  will reap if you do not faint.

     Eat the fruit sow the seed and there will always be another harvest, I am telling you how to prosper, how to have increase, abundance overflow and more than enough eat the fruit, enjoy the fruit of your labor but always sow the seed. Sow the seed of your  time and put God  first in your life, sow the seed of your  talent  and volunteer and  do some things  pro bono, sow  the seed of your  treasure,  your money  and give your time  and your  offering  and there always be   another  harvest, you control  your next  harvest  by what you  do  with the seed, be not  deceive  God is not mock  whatever you sow  you are going to reap  and  so I am  telling you that is God’s desire  that you live  a  happy, healthy, prosperous and  successful life. Eat the fruit sow the seed and there will always be another harvest.


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