Concentrate: I Channel My Energy in a Particular Direction (Romans 8:14) 

It's not that you don't have the ability to do it; you're just all over the place. It's not that you don't have the power and the authority to bring it into manifestation; you're just distracted. God is saying in this season, "I need you to focus." I need you to concentrate. To concentrate means to channel your energy in a particular direction.

God is energy, and you have endless energy to do what is yours to do, but you need to focus. You need to concentrate. You must focus and channel your energy in a particular direction. I know that you have a lot of dreams and goals, a lot of missions, and a lot of aspirations, but let's focus on one of them. Channel all of your energy in that direction so you can fulfill the promise of God and be fulfilled.

It's time to focus. I know a lot of people in your life have a lot of things going on, but it is time for you to focus on yourself. It is time for you to pay attention to what's going on with you. During the season of consecration, starting with Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season fast, people all over the earth will be in a consciousness of fasting and praying. Consecration requires concentration. If you are going to consecrate before God, you must concentrate.

You must focus. You must enter the consecration with the intention of what you desire to manifest by Good Friday. Enter the consecration with the focus of what you desire to bring into expression, to bring into fruition by Easter Sunday. What are you going to rise with on Easter Sunday? Concentration requires concentration, and so it is not so much about the food and beverages, but it's about you focusing. The Bible says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they demonstrate that they are God's beloved offspring." You are God's beloved offspring, but you demonstrate it when you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

You are perfect, whole, and complete, and you demonstrate it when you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. You are a unique, unrepeatable expression of the divine, and you demonstrate it when you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You are God's beloved offspring, and you demonstrate it when you follow the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you into all truth. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you in every area and aspect of your life as you open yourself to the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

So, in this time of consecration, the Holy Spirit is inviting you to concentrate. Concentrate on what you are eating. Everything is not good for you; your body doesn't like everything. You are allergic to certain things, so the Holy Spirit says, "I need you to concentrate on what you are eating." My body doesn't like a lot of sugar, so because my body doesn't like it, I don't eat a lot of sugar.

I had to concentrate on that and focus on what I was eating that was making me sick. Some people's bodies don't like gluten or salt. Pay attention to what you are eating. Pay attention to when you are eating. I can eat an ice cream cone at 12 noon, but if I eat that same ice cream cone at 8 o'clock at night, I gain weight not just because of what I ate, but because of when I ate it.

Pay attention to when you are eating. Have a cut-off time; allow the Holy Spirit to give you a cut-off time for when to stop eating. Pay attention to where you are eating. Many times, we are eating and drinking in front of the television, and we are not paying attention to how much we are consuming because we are just eating and drinking in front of the TV. Many times, a lot of our meals are being consumed in the car while we are driving, eating fast food.

So, where we are eating is impacting our health. Let's get back to eating at the table. The Holy Spirit is inviting you to also pay attention to why you are eating. Are you eating for nutrition? Are you eating to get those essential vitamins and minerals, or are you eating because you're bored? Are you eating because you are mad? Why are you eating when your stomach says it's full? Why are you going past that point? Are you eating because you're bored? Because you're lonely? Because you have nothing else to do? Why are you eating?

It is time to concentrate on how much you are eating. What happened to portion control? You can eat things in moderation. You can have ice cream, but not eat the whole half-gallon. You can eat things in moderation. You don't have to do it to excess and take it to the extreme. Do things in moderation and balance.

Pay attention to what's eating at you. Many times, guilt, shame, jealousy, envy, strife, malice, bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness are eating at us, causing us to eat so much. So, I am inviting you today to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit.


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