I AM Lord of My Success (Joshua 1:8)

The reason why many people are anxious, depressed, and suicidal is because they are not fulfilled. The reason why many people are engaged in addictions such as eating, drinking, and drugging themselves to death is because they feel empty inside. But you are the lord over your own success. You are the lord over your behaviors and your beliefs. You have to believe in yourself and then take the actions and steps to make it happen. Faith without works is dead.

Stop waiting for someone else to make you successful. You are the lord over your own success, and heaven will back you up with your dreams and visions. You are the lord over your own dreams and visions. You have to make it happen by investing your time, talent, and treasure in yourself. It's your dreams, you have to make it happen. It's your vision, you have to bring it to pass. God will send people to support you and open doors for you, but you have to walk through those doors. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth will be loose in heaven. But you have to bind it on earth. You have to loosen it on earth, and heaven will back you up and support you, but you have to do the work.

Set up small steps and celebrate yourself along the way. Set up benchmarks and praise God every time one is accomplished. You don't have to be jealous of other people. You can be the lord over your own dream. You don't have to be envious. You can be the lord over your own vision. The time is right, the vision is clear. Make it happen. God will send readers and runners to support you and help make it happen.


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