I AM Lord of My Health, My Relationships and My Wealth (2 John 1:2)

There are three major aspects of your life: your health, your relationships, and your wealth. And guess what? You are lord over all three of them. You are in control of your own health. You determine how healthy you are going to be, not history, genes, diagnosis, or prognosis. It is not your family or external factors that dictate your health. You are lord over your health, which means that you get to decide your digestion, what you put in your body, how intimate you are going to be, how much rest you are going to get, and how much exercise you are going to do.

You get to decide all the checkups and doctor's appointments, and then you get to decide how you are going to treat yourself. When you do well, you get to decide about your outward appearance and how you look, your recreation, your fun. You are lord over your health, living a holistically healthy, balanced, and well-rounded life, and you get to decide that because you are lord over your health.

You are lord over your relationships. The Bible says when a person's ways please the Lord, even their enemies are at peace with them. So if you please the Lord, your enemies can be at peace with you. Your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and classmates can be at peace with you when you are at peace with yourself. It exudes in all of your relationships. Your relationships can only be as harmonious as you are healthy. When you are healthy, it causes your relationships to be harmonious because you are lord over every relationship. You don’t have to be in a toxic relationship; you can just leave.

You are lord over your wealth. God has given you the power. The Lord of Lords, the Lord of God, the Lord of Jesus has given you lord over your wealth. You determine how prosperous you are going to be, how much increase, abundance, overflow, and more than enough you are going to have in your life. The economic situation, the country, the stocks, the bonds, your job, and your income doesn't determine your wealth. I am a Tither; I give my tithes and my offering. I am part of another economy, a kingdom economy. So if I sow sparingly, I reap sparingly; if I sow bountifully, I reap bountifully because I am a part of another economy that gives me unlimited wealth. Your income is only fixed because you fix it in your mind. You are lord over your health, your relationships, and your wealth. You can have optimal health, harmonious relationships, and overflowing wealth.


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