Read – Matthew 26:26-46
Scripture: “Father, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will but your will be done (Matthew 26:41).”
Denial: “Nevertheless is not a bad word.”
Affirmation: “I align my will with the will of God.” One of the greatest gifts that God has given you is the power to choose.
Your will is the part of your soul that makes decisions. Prayer bridges the gap between your will and the will of God. You can pray until something inside of you changes. In times, when you feel out of alignment, pray until your will aligns with the highest and the best and the divine and the perfect for all parties concerned.
Jesus, our Wayshower, acknowledged God in all his ways, and God directed his path (Proverbs 3:5-7). In the Garden of Gethsemane, he was completely open and honest with God about his will. He did not want to die. He wanted to continue his life as it was; nevertheless, he knew that God’s will was for him to transition from abundant life to eternal life. He did not pretend that he did not know what God’s will was. Instead, Jesus, the Pattern Son, prayed using the word, nevertheless, all night long. Jesus, our example of what it means to be fully human and fully divine, modeled for us the first four stages of the life cycle: preexistence with God, birth, life, and ministry. When it was time for him to exemplify the last six stages of the life cycle: death, burial, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and Second Coming and he did not want to do it. Therefore, he prayed the nevertheless prayer until there was no distinction between his will and the will of his Father.
Nevertheless, acknowledges this is what I want to do, and I choose to do what God desires for me to do. Nevertheless, keeps you from being fake, phony, or hypocritical. It empowers you to have an authentic relationship with God. Nevertheless, keeps you from pretending that you always have it together, it allows room for process, growth, and development in your consciousness.
Reflection Question: How can you incorporate nevertheless as a part of your prayer life?
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