Jesus Asked Questions

Read – Luke 2:41-52

Scripture: “Ask and it shall be given. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened you (Matthew 7:7).”

Denial: “Asking questions does not diminish my intelligence. “

Affirmation: “I AM the question. I AM the answer.”

In elementary school one of my teachers used to remind us, “there are no dumb questions.” She encouraged her students to ask questions because many people learn through this interactive method. When I reached middle school, a different teacher put another spin on asking questions. His belief was “The only dumb questions are the ones that you don’t ask.” It made no sense to him to be in a place where you can receive the answer and you still leave with a question. One of my high school teachers built on that foundation and stated, “If you have a question, ask it because likely there is someone else in the class who has the same question and does not have the courage to ask it.”

Asking questions was a signature part of Jesus’ speech pattern. As described in our reading today, when he was 12 years old his parents were looking for him and they found in them the temple asking questions and getting answers from the doctors and lawyers who were there. Not only did he ask questions and get answers, but people also asked him questions and were amazed at his responses. As a Wayshower, Jesus showed us that we can ask questions and get answers in addition to answering questions.

Jesus continued asking questions throughout his ministry and it was often a part of people’s healing 

who was caught in adultery, “where are your accusers (John 8:10)? During the storm, Jesus asked his disciples in the boat, “why are you so afraid (Matthew 8:26)?” After the woman with the issue of blood was healed, Jesus asked the crowd, “who touched me (Mark 5:30)?” Jesus asked the blind man, “what do you see (Mark 8:23)?” One of the ways to know that you are in a healthy environment is your feeling of freedom to ask and answer questions. Keep an open mind knowing that you can learn from anyone and that anyone can learn from you.

Reflection Question: On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you with asking and answering questions?


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