
Read – John 10:30-36
Scripture: “I and the Father are one (John 10:30).”

Denial: “There is no separation between me and God.”

Affirmation: “I AM one with God and my good.”

Most of Jesus’ prayers began with the word, Father. As highlighted in today’s reading, the Jews of his day did not claim God as their father because of the implications of fatherhood. They understood
the goal of fatherhood to be for the child to become equal to or greater than the parent. They felt that it was blasphemous for Jesus to call God his father; therefore, they wanted to stone him and kill
him. Jesus’ relationship with God superseded the religious rituals and dogma of the Jews.
You are both human and divine. As such, your divinity comes from our Father, Jehovah, and your humanity comes from our mother, earth (Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:7). God is always your Father, and
nothing will ever change that.

You are a divine idea that originated in the mind of God. When you pray, Our Father, you are speaking of your paternity and divine connection with everyone and everything in the Universe. You are
personalizing the Kingdom Principle of Divine Nature, owning the idea that your origination point is God, and how you came to this earth is divine.

Jesus, our Perfect Pattern, realized his oneness with God and his oneness with good. He knew that there was no separation between God and him and he boldly declared it. You have that same unity with God, and nothing can separate you from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:35-39). God abides in you, and you abide in God (John 15:7). You have full and complete access to all that God is and all the good that the universe has and holds for you. Jesus prayed that his disciples recognize their oneness with God, good, and one another (John 17:1-17).

Reflection Question: How can you manifest, maintain, and
multiply your oneness with God?


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