Present Tense

Read – Psalm 139:1-18

Scripture: “Lo, I AM with you always, even unto the end of the age.
Amen. (Matthew 28:20).”

Denial: “God has never and will never leave me.”

Affirmation: “There is Only One Power and One Presence, and I
AM one with that power and presence.”

God is omnipresence. God is all the presence there is. There is no presence outside of God. God is the everywhere, evenly present, Spirit of Absolute Good. We do not use the limiting adjective,
omnipresent, to describe God. Instead, we say, omnipresence, because no other being can make such a claim. 

Omni means all. As human beings, we are not omnipresent. Our bodies cause us to be in a particular place at a particular time. Although we are not omnipresent, as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus, our presence makes a difference (Romans 8:17).

When we are conscious of the I AM of our being, we can change
any environment from negative to positive, just by being present.
Sometimes we need not even have to open our mouths. All we have
to do is show up and our very presence transforms the atmosphere.
Notice, the words, I AM, are in the present tense. I AM is always
present, right here and right now. When we decree and declare our
good through affirmations, they are always in the present tense
because I AM is always present. God is Jehovah Shammah, which
means I AM that I AM there, or I AM that I AM Presence (Ezekiel
48:35). We are one with that presence. That presence has never left
us and will never forsake us.


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