How To Build Consciousness

 How to Build Consciousness 

Read – Psalm 139:7-12 

Scripture: “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence (Psalm 139:7)?”

 Denial: “I cannot hide from God. I cannot run from myself.” 

Affirmation: “I AM responsible for my own consciousness.” 

According to Charles Fillmore, the cofounder of the Unity Movement, “God is the everywhere evenly present, Spirit of Absolute Good.” Consciousness is our awareness of God. There are three different types of consciousness: individual, corporate, and collective. The individual consciousness is our individual awareness of God. The corporate consciousness is a group’s awareness of God (family, community, local assembly, business, school, city, state, country). The collective consciousness is the combined God awareness of every individual and group on the earth. As an individual at any given moment, we can speak from the super consciousness, the sense consciousness, or the subconsciousness. The super-consciousness is highest level of consciousness, that which flows from Spirit, or what is also known as the Christ Mind (Philippians 2:5). We can also choose to limit our speech to the sense consciousness (what we can see, hear, touch, taste, smell), the ego or what is often referred to as the conscious phase of mind. Finally, we can also restrict our words to the subconsciousness or the trash receptacle of our past (Philippians 3:13-16). It is completely up to us. Wherever we speak from, not only impacts us but it also affects the corporate consciousness of every group that we are a member of and collective consciousness of the earth. Therefore, it is important for us to build our consciousness so that we can speak from the highest place. The way to build consciousness is through scripture, denials, and affirmations.


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