Hope Dealers
The Kingdom Key of Life & Death

READ | I Corinthians 15:10-28
“If our hope in Christ is limited to this life then we are miserable people
(I Corinthians 15:19).”
The Kingdom Key of Life and Death is about hope. This Kingdom Key empowers us to have hope despite situations that seem hopeless. The Kingdom always offers a new beginning and a fresh start with just a word. No matter how lethal the experience might appear, we have the Kingdom authority in our mouths. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the 
fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:21).”
The Kingdom gives us the right to speak life to dead situations. Like Ezekiel, the prophet, we can prophesy to a valley of dead dry bones until flesh comes back on those bones. We can speak the Word of 
Life until breath comes back into those dead bodies, and they rise as a mighty army (Ezekiel 37).
We are called to be hope dealers. That’s what we are selling to people, hope. Hope helps us make it through the various transitions of life knowing that there is a higher purpose and a bigger plan. A 
transformative experience happens when a person can move from feeling hopeless to receiving a Kingdom Message that gives hope to being hopeful to the point of overflow wherein we are able to share this hope with others


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