The Nine Stage Life Cycle the Kingdom Key of Life & Death

READ | I Peter 2:19-25

“Jesus’ experiences provide us with an example; therefore, we are to

follow in his footsteps (I Peter 2:21).”

Jesus is our Wayshower, our example of what it means to be fully human and fully divine. Jesus can relate to every part of our divine and human experience. He was tempted in all points like as we are yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). How we see ourselves and others often depends on where we start the story of our lives.

The Church focuses on Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection and calls it the gospel. However, beginning with death is like starting a book in the middle of the story. The Church has this awful habit of beginning in the middle and missing the full perspective. The Kingdom embraces the whole of the life cycle, not just a part of it. The Kingdom teaches that Jesus was an example to us throughout his entire process: his pre-existence with God before the foundation of the world, birth, early life, ministry, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and Second Coming (I Timothy 3:16).

Another example of this is with the first Adam. The Church begins with Adam sinned and all the things that happened because of him missing the mark and eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6). The Kingdom begins with Adam walking with God and the intelligence that he had to name all the animals of the land, fish of the sea, and birds of the air (Genesis 2:19). It is completely up to you where you start your story. You can begin with your oneness with God and your perfection, or you can start with the sin and separation.


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