Balancing Light & Darkness The Kingdom Key of Light & Darkness

READ | Genesis 1:1-31

“He was the true Light, which lights every person who is born into the

world ( John 1:9).”

Everyday has light and darkness. As highlighted in our reading for today, “the evening and the morning were the first day (Genesis 1:5).” This same process of darkness and light continues throughout all the days of creation. Notice in the creation story, the evening comes first and then the morning. “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).” We are always working with darkness and light, the sun and the moon, and the greater light and the lesser light. No matter how gloomy the darkness, we always have the power to say, “Let there be light.” The day is not complete until there is both evening and morning, darkness and light.

Every person has light and darkness. The light is reflected when we operate in the Christ consciousness, the true light that is in every person. The darkness is manifested when we do not function in the Christ of our being. It is “in God that we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28).” We must embrace our darkness as well as our light so that we can be unified within ourselves and have harmonious relationships with others. Because each person has light and darkness, each relationship with another person will have darkness and light as well. The relationship does not have depth until we accept both the darkness and the light.

Every experience has light and darkness. The light of the experience is called the blessing. The blessing is the good that is apparent to us. The darkness of the experience is called the lesson. The lesson is the good that is not apparent to us. For us to live holistically healthy, balanced, and well-rounded lives, we must accept both the blessings and the lessons of each experience. The experience is not over until we can clearly identify the light (the blessings) and the darkness (the lessons).


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