The Lost Sheep
The Kingdom Key of Lost & Found

READ | Luke 15:1-7

In the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the shepherd has one hundred sheep, and he loses one. He leaves the ninety-nine in the wilderness and goes after the one. When he finds the one, he lays it on his shoulder and brings it back to the fold. When he returns home, he calls his friends together to rejoice with him about his discovery.

To leave the ninety-nine and go after the one, the shepherd had to do an evaluation. He had to decide if the one sheep was worth leaving the ninety-nine at risk. In his evaluation, he concluded that the one sheep had enough value to leave the others temporarily.

The Kingdom Key of Lost and Found illustrates that in God’s estimation, each person is worthwhile and valuable as an individual. Therefore, the angels in heaven rejoice when each one of us come back to God, back to the fold, and back to our true selves.


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