The Lost Coin - The Kingdom Key of Lost and Found Luke 15:8-10

The Lost Coin
The Kingdom Key of Lost & Found

READ | Luke 15:8-10

In the Parable of the Lost Coin, the woman has nine coins, and she is trying to find the last one. Historians have said that it was essential that she found the tenth coin because it was a part of the dowry that her fiancée gave her as a promise of marriage. Her ability to keep up with the coins was also an indication to her espoused husband of her ability to manage the house and the children. If she could not keep up with ten coins, how could she be an effective wife and mother?

The Kingdom Key of Lost and Found focuses on empowerment because no one can help her find the coin. She must find it for herself. The lost coin is in her house and when she sweeps her house clean, she finds it and has a party with her friends (bridesmaids) to celebrate the discovery. No one can clean the house of our consciousness. We must do it for ourselves.

Whatever we need (love, joy, peace, health, prosperity, etc.) is inside of us. God has given us everything that we need in our own house (II Peter 1:3-4). No one can find it for us. We must find it within ourselves for ourselves. We can clean our hearts and search ourselves until we find it (John 15:3). Then, people can rejoice with us that we found what was there all the time inside of us (Romans 12:15).


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