Expected Increase The Kingdom Key of Few & Many

Expected Increase The Kingdom Key of Few & Many

READ | Matthew 25:14-31 “Your gift will make room for you and bring you before great people

(Proverbs 18:16).”

In the text, there is an expectation of increase. The lord did not give them any instructions as to what to do with the talents. He did not model for them how to handle their talents. He did not tell them what to do with the talents. He expected them to figure that out and do as they felt was best as long as they brought back an increase.

The lord expected each of his servants to bring him an increase. He wanted them to have more money than they started with. Although the lord did not state that he wanted them to bring him an increase to the money that he had given them, there is an implied expectation of increase. Although the lord did not state how much of an increase he desired for them to obtain, there was an expectation of increase.

Talents in the scriptures were money. Today, we use the word, talent, to represent the gifts, skills, and abilities that Jehovah has given us. Our talents bring us money.

According to today’s scripture, your talents will open doors of opportunity for you. Your talents will bring you as much financial increase as your consciousness can hold. When your consciousness cannot hold any more increase, you have the choice to increase your prosperity consciousness.


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