It’s alright to question God!

It’s alright to question God!

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me (Matthew 27:46)?”

One day in Sunday school class, my primary teacher told us never to question God because it was a sign of disrespect. I was confused by what she said because my mother told me that if you don’t understand something, ask questions. I could ask my mother about anything if I did it respectfully. I wondered why I could not do the same with God.

As I got closer to God through meditation, letter writing, and expressing my feelings in prayer, I desired to ask God some questions. Since I was trying new things in my relationship with God, I thought, “why not try this and see what happens.” I went into prayer with a list of questions and told God that I would benefit from the answer to these questions. Some of the questions God answered on the spot. Other answers came through interactions with various people or a preached message or a lesson taught in Bible Study. Some questions I still don’t have an answer to, and I accept that I might not get the answer until I transition to a higher dimension from this earthly life.

Through his crucifixion experience, Jesus, our Wayshower, permitted us to question God. In his time of agony, he questioned God and asked: “why.” As God’s beloved offspring, you have the same right to ask God questions. “If any person lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberally to all people and does not hold back (James 1:5).” How can you have a healthy relationship with God if you are not able to ask questions? Prayer is not only speaking and listening, but prayer is also asking and answering questions.

Using the Prayer Tool of Witnessing and Sharing Your Testimony with Others as symbolized by the Measuring Tape, document and share with at least one other person an experience where you asked God a specific question and received a clear answer. 


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