Prayer Tool of Witnessing and Sharing Your Testimony with Others as symbolized by the Measuring Tape

Prayer Tool of Witnessing and Sharing Your Testimony 

with Others as symbolized by the Measuring Tape

Witnessing is often seen as the primary venue for evangelism and proselytizing others to become a part of your faith tradition. In the past, people passed out tracks in heavily populated areas, hung door knockers on people’s doorknobs, or used blow horns to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in the streets. Today, it is more common for people to witness by inviting a friend to attend a service or class with them, and by posting a positive message or scripture on social media platforms.

The greatest form of witnessing is “being” a witness. You are a witness when you let your light shine, and people see it. When people see the change in you, they are inclined to ask how that change came about. Their ask is an indicator they are ready to hear your testimony. They are opening the door to their hearts and minds for a new experience.

Your testimony is your personal salvation story or awakening experience. Your testimony is citing examples of how the Kingdom principles and practices are manifesting as promises in your life. Sharing Your Testimony With Others not only blesses others; it also blesses you.

Sharing your testimony blesses you because it shows how far you have come and inspires you to praise God for your holistic development. When you share your growth experience with others, you permit them to hold you accountable to maintain your current success and to enhance it for even greater progress.

Sharing your testimony blesses others. No one can refute your testimony. When you share your story with others, you inspire them about the endless possibilities they can bring hearts and minds to their divine unlimited potential.

A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler used to measure distance. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fiberglass, or a metal strip with linear-measurement markings. Sharing your testimony is a prayer tool that measures your expansion in Christ consciousness. Not only is it a gauge for you, but it also allows your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and church members to see the amount of growth that has taken place in your life. 


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