Journaling as Prayer - Communicating with God through writing

Journaling as Prayer - Communicating with God through writing

But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground (John 8:6).”

When my first wife transitioned ten days after our twin daughters were born, I was so angry with God that I had no interest in prayer. I was enraged with God so much that I did not want to talk to God. I gave God the silent treatment. Nevertheless, I had to get this anger out because it started to manifest itself through destructive behaviors, so I went to counseling.

My therapist suggested that I write God letters telling God exactly how I felt. The story of Jesus and the woman caught in the act of adultery in John 8:1-11 gave me the courage to do it. Since Jesus, my Wayshower, communicated through writing, I followed his example and utilized this resource as well. Writing opened me up to be completely open and honest with God about what I was thinking and feeling just as I would if I were sending a person a letter or email.

Before this experience with my wife’s transition, I thought prayer held two purposes, to revere God and to seek Divine guidance. I never permitted myself to be honest with God about my emotions. Through letter writing, I felt comfortable to say what I needed to say to God. Although the letters did not express praise and adoration, I felt closer to God than I ever felt before. I embarked on a new relationship with God that was much more intimate than my previous one. After about one year of letter writing, I was free to verbalize my true feelings to God, both verbally and in writing.

Using the Prayer Tool of Writing and Journaling as symbolized by the pencil, write God a letter saying things that you may have never felt comfortable articulating.


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