Prayer Tool of Writing and Journaling - Pencil

Prayer Tool of Writing and Journaling - Pencil

You see many maintenance workers, repair technicians, electricians, architects, and plumbers with pencils behind their ears. They often have

measurements to write and drawings to produce. A toolbox is not complete without a pencil. The pencil is a physical symbol of writing that is required for your soul to unfold.

Writing is an important part of your soul’s journey. Imagine where society would be if no one wrote down the laws, took notes at meetings, or recorded historical events. The Bible we know today exists because people took the time to write down what they heard from the stories told by their ancestors through multiple generations.

It is not about the quantity of your writing but the quality of your writing. The major prophets required personal scrolls due to the length of their writings. The 12 minor prophets were able to fit all their writings on one scroll. Journal daily about what your thanksgiving, forgiving, and all the ways that you are giving your time, talent, and treasure. Write letters to God, yourself, and others to process your experiences. Even if you never mail the letter, there is a blessing in writing it down.

Write down your long-term goals for your life in addition to the short term goals you desire to accomplish. Break down large projects into smaller bite-size pieces. Writing allows you to review your progress. Documentation empowers you to see how far you have come and how far you still must go.

Like the Spirit told John on the Isle of Patmos, write (Revelation 1:19). Write your dreams and your visions. Write the whispers that you hear from the Holy Spirit and the creative ideas that you receive throughout your day.


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