Prayer Tool of Fellowship with the Saints 

and Positive People - Ratchet

Saints are not just the prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New Testament. Anyone who is a disciplined follower of Jesus

Christ and makes a conscious choice to develop in Christ consciousness is a saint. The time that saints spend together is called fellowship. Formal fellowship takes place when you regularly gather with others weekly for services and studies. Informal fellowship provides an opportunity for saints to do fun things together, such as going to the movies, sporting events, or playing games. Both formal and informal fellowships strengthen and encourage you to continue in your love journey and path towards wholeness. The original disciples were so effective in their kingdom work because “they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42).” For your holistic growth and development, you must do the same.

The idea of fellowship is not limited to saints but is inclusive of positive people. Spend time with like-minded people who are doing things you desire to try or that you enjoy. Fellowshipping, in this way, leads to connections that can enhance your health, harmonious relationships, and your wealth. You can also mentor people who have a hunger for success in an area that you may specialize in that is not directly related to spirituality. Building genuine rapport and establishing authentic relationships with other positive people who may not be aware of their spiritual identity leads them to a deeper connection with the Divine.

A ratchet is a mechanical device with a toothed wheel and pawl that permits it to move together in one direction to tighten a bolt or screw. When you Fellowship with the Saints and Positive People, you move in one direction together to strengthen and manifest mutual good in your lives. Although you may experience challenges in fellowship, rest assured that it is working together for your good. “All things work together for the good to them that love God to them who are the called according to God’s purpose (Romans 8:28).


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