Pay Attention to the Signs (John 2:13) 

I AM a sign, which means that God flows through my life to give various signs and messages to me and others. I surrender and submit to allow God to flow through my life to be a sign. A sign gets people’s attention. A sign causes people to recognize. It stands out, something out of the norm, something spectacular. A sign. I AM a sign. You are supernatural. You are extraordinary. You are excellent. You are outstanding. You are a sign.

Can you affirm "I AM a sign"? Sometimes, the sign that I am reflecting is a stop sign to stop the ego. There have been times when I have gotten arrogant, heavy, or high-minded, and I had to be brought down. That’s a sign in my life to stay humble. "Humble yourself, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, and God will exalt you in due time. If you exalt yourself, you are going to be a beast."

 The Bible says that the Holy Spirit comes before the fall, and pride goes before destruction. So, I got the sign in my life. I have signs that I can look back on to remind me to stop the ego and give God the glory for my gifts, talents, skills, abilities, accomplishments, and fulfilled visions and missions. Give God the glory. I have a stop sign that says, “Stop the ego.” Not only do I have a stop sign that says, "Stop the ego," but I also have a yield sign. I have yield signs in my life that say, "Yield to the Holy Spirit." 

I know the blessings and benefits that have happened when I yielded to the Holy Spirit, and I know the consequences that occurred when I went my own way and ignored the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they demonstrate that they are the beloved offspring of God." I have learned to yield to the Holy Spirit. I have learned to surrender, submit, and say, "Nevertheless, not as I will, but Thy will be done." I have learned to yield the right way because when I yield to the Holy Spirit, I always go the right way. But when I get in the way and do my own thing, I go the wrong way. So, are you in the right way or the wrong way?

Whenever I yield to the Holy Spirit and say, "Holy Spirit, have your way in my life," I always go right. There is a way that seems right to a person, but the end thereof is the way of destruction. I am inviting you to yield to the Holy Spirit, to say yes to God, yes to Your will, yes to Your way, and yes to Your word. Yes, in the morning, at noon, in the evening, and in the midnight hour from the bottom of my heart to the depth of my soul. Yes, God, I yield. I surrender. I submit to God.

I will be who You created me to be. I surrender, submit, and yield to the Holy Spirit. Yes, God, I will do what You have called me to do. Yes, God, I will go where You commission me to go. Yes, God, I will say what You command me to say, and I will have what we have covenanted that I can have. So, a yield sign in my life says, "Yield to the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you into all truth. All you have to do is yield, follow, and listen to that still small voice, that divine intuition within. Yield to the Holy Spirit. That’s a sign in your life.

There is also a green light, a sign that God will have in your life. Will you remember what happened when you stepped out on faith and how things worked out? Will you remember a sign when you came out of your comfort zone, your familiar place, and how God manifested miracles, signs, and wonders in your life? That’s a sign not to give up, not to throw in the towel, not to say, "Forget it, what’s the use?" but a sign in your life to keep moving forward.

To proceed, sometimes you have to proceed with caution, but I am still proceeding. I am moving forward. I am moving in the direction of my good for God. Our God says, "I know the plans that I have for you, thoughts of good and not of evil, to bless you and to prosper you and to bring you to an expected end." But to get to the end, you have to keep moving forward. "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind me, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus."


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