Give Me A Moment (Matthew 17:4)

Give me a moment. Have you ever just needed a moment a time out, a break, or maybe a huddle with your friends? Give me a moment. There is a difference between a moment and a minute. A minute is 60 seconds, while a moment is an undisclosed period of time. A moment can last a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months. Jesus called His core disciples Peter, James, and John up to the mountain so they could have a moment with Him. In that moment on the mountain, Jesus was transfigured. And for us to experience transfiguration, which is an external, physical change, we first need to be transformed internally.

It doesn’t take long for a change to happen. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we can be changed. Peter, James, and John had a moment with Jesus on that mountain. Not all the disciples were there, but the core group Peter, James, and John were with Jesus in the moment where He was transformed. “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Jesus was transfigured before their very eyes. He didn’t look the same; His clothes shone as bright as the sun, and heaven opened up with a voice that said, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him, I am well pleased. Listen to Him!” They were having a moment, but that moment was on the mountain. In order for you to have that same moment in the presence of God, to be transformed and transfigured, you need to come up to the mountain.

You need to ascend to a higher place of consciousness a super-consciousness, the Christ mind. Go to those heavenly places in Christ Jesus. God is calling you to the mountain so that you can have a moment. And in that moment, your mind, your heart, your intellect, and your will can be transformed. As a result, your health, your relationships, and your wealth will be transfigured. The transfiguration is the outward, physical manifestation, but transformation is the inward, spiritual change. You will never be transfigured until you are first transformed. So, Jesus called them up to the mountain so they could have a moment. Peter, in that moment, desired to capture it by building a monument. He saw Elijah and Moses and said, “It’s good for us to be here. I can build three temples, three tabernacles, three structures, to capture this moment and make a monument of it.” But Jesus didn’t even entertain that idea.

Stop trying to make monuments out of moments be in the moment. Sometimes, we are so busy trying to take pictures, record videos, or capture the moment to make a monument of it, that we don’t fully experience it. Be in the moment. Be glad you were able to see Moses and Elijah, but don’t make a monument out of Moses and the law that has passed. Jesus is greater than Moses. Don’t try to make a monument out of Elijah and his miracles. Jesus is the one doing miracles, signs, and wonders now. God called them through Jesus up to the mountain so they could have a moment. Peter tried to make a monument out of the moment, but don’t build monuments out of moments. Allow the moment to become a movement. Be progressive. That was a moment, and now it is becoming a movement, and we are moving forward.

We are not stuck in the moment. We’re not trying to build a monument to the moment we are allowing God to progress us, to take us to the next dimension. We are allowing God to take us from faith to faith, from glory to glory, and from strength to strength. There is a movement, and we are moving forward. God is continually renewing us, making us, molding us, shaping us, and forming us into what He wants us to be. But if you try to make a monument out of the moment, God says, “No, I need you to be part of a movement.” That was a moment keep moving forward. God has more in store for you. That moment was just the beginning, but He will do exceeding, abundantly above all that you can ask or even think, according to the power that works within you.


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