When I Feel, I Deal with So I Can Heal, Keep It Real, and God Is Revealed (Matthew 15:6)

The heart is the feeling part of the soul, and whatever is going on in your heart manifests in your life and health. Whatever you are feeling, the energy of your feelings has to go somewhere. If we don’t deal with how we feel, it manifests as sickness, pain, disease, discomfort, and dysfunction in our bodies. So, you need to deal with how you feel to heal yourself. When I feel, I deal so that I can heal, keep it real, and God is revealed. Whatever is in your heart whatever you are feeling is manifesting in your relationships. The chaos, confusion, contention, competition, and comparisons in your relationships result from what you feel in your heart. So, you need to deal with how you feel, for God is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. We need to clean up and clear up our hearts.

Whatever happens in your heart manifests in your finances and shows up in your wealth. If you have bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness in your heart, it’s blocking the flow of blessings in your life. Nothing they said or didn’t say, did or didn’t do, is worth you not being prosperous and successful. Whatever is in your heart, guilt, shame, condemnation, or judgment, is blocking your blessings because you are sabotaging them. You have to deal with how you feel. Stop letting people tell you that you shouldn’t feel a certain way. However you feel is how you feel. When I feel, I deal to heal and keep it real. When you aren’t dealing with your feelings, you’re being phony. When I feel, I deal so I can heal, keep it real, and God is revealed. Your feelings are gifts from God. They help you know what to watch out for, say yes to, and say no to.

Your feelings are gifts from God. They are not right or wrong; they just are! I’m talking about your heart, feelings, and emotions (energy in motion). Don’t be afraid to express your feelings. Journal them out if you need to, talk to the person involved, and speak with a therapist or counselor. Get the support and help you need to deal with how you feel because the energy of your emotions has to go somewhere. When we don’t express it, we eat about it, drink about it, and smoke about it. When we don’t deal with our feelings, we act out in other ways: sex, shopping, gambling. When we don’t deal with how we feel, it manifests as addictions and unhealthy behaviors. So, you need to deal with how you feel. Allow yourself to feel what you feel and know it’s okay.

The Bible says we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched by the feelings of our infirmities. Jesus was tempted in all points, just as we are, yet without sin. You need to deal with how you feel and give yourself permission to feel. "Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me." A clean heart doesn’t mean you don’t feel anything. It means that when you feel something, you deal with it, address it, release it, and let it go. It’s time to deal with the matters of the heart. It’s time to deal with how you feel. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." When your heart is pure, you see God in every person, place, and thing.

You didn’t just slip up and say it came out because it was in your heart. "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." When we don’t deal with what’s in our hearts, it comes out as profanity, vulgarity, and negative words. Unresolved feelings slip out of our mouths because of what’s going on in our hearts. There’s nothing wrong with being angry. The Bible says, "Be angry and sin not." Jesus got angry, but He channeled that anger. Channel the energy of your emotions in a positive direction. You can channel that energy in a positive, productive way, or you can channel it in a negative, destructive way. However you look at it, you need to deal with how you feel. It’s a matter of the heart.


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