Really Peter (Matthew 16:23)
Peter shows us a full spectrum of
consciousness, reflecting all the different points along our journey, this love
journey, this wholeness path, this kingdom voyage. Peter had a revelation when
Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do people say I am?" To get the
scuttlebutt, the gossip, the word on the street, the disciples responded,
"Some say you are Jeremiah, Elijah, John the Baptist, or one of the
prophets." But Jesus took the conversation deeper. He asked, "But who
do you say I am?" Peter answered, "Thou art the Christ." That's
what Peter said.
are the Christ, the Son of the living God," Peter declared. Peter had a
revelation. Jesus said, "Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but
my Father who is in heaven." Peter had a revelation, but when the
anointing lifted, we saw a different side of Peter. We have apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors, and teachers, but who are you when the anointing leaves?
We are bishops, overseers, spiritual leaders, elders, deacons, ministers,
mothers, missionaries, saints, and friends, but who are you when the anointing
the anointing lifted, Peter started talking sideways. He began saying crazy
things. When Jesus said that He was going to be crucified, that He would go
through persecution, die, be buried, and rise again on the third day, Peter
rebuked Jesus. So, Jesus had to turn around and rebuke Peter. Peter said,
"Lord, you are not going to die." But Jesus replied, "Yes, I am.
This is my purpose. This is why I came to the earth. I have to die."
so, Peter got rebuked, even though he was the same one who had received
revelation. He was the same one who was rebuked because he went off course.
There are people who are prophetic but are not always on point. There are
people who are gifted but are not always in the flow. So even though Peter had a
revelation, he still had to be rebuked. Sometimes, we need to rebuke ourselves
because we are not functioning in Christ's consciousness. Jesus said to Peter,
"You are thinking and speaking the things of human beings; you are not
speaking spiritual things."
was coming from his flesh as opposed to coming from his spirit. When you see
that you are operating in your ego, rebuke yourself. When you see that you are
operating in your flesh the lower level of consciousness rebuke yourself. Set
yourself in order and be open to correction. Be open to instruction and rebuke
if you are not in the right place. You have your spiritual leaders, those who
hold you accountable, to rebuke you.
is nothing wrong with some rebuke. Jesus said, "Those whom I love, I
rebuke and chasten." So, Peter had to be rebuked. But the rebuke was not
the end of the story for Peter. He was also restored. He was restored as the
head and leader of the church. Jesus said, "Upon this rock, upon this
truth that you have given, Peter, I will build my church, and the gates of hell
shall not prevail." Jesus said, "I am going to restore you. Whatever
you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. I am going to restore you. Whatever
you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. I am going to restore you, Peter.
Do you love me? Feed my sheep. Peter, do you love me? Yes, Lord, I love you.
Feed my lambs."
restored Peter to his rightful place. I came to tell somebody that restoration
is coming, that the bones that have been broken will be restored. Peter, you
are going to be restored. The broken is going to be restored. He said,
"Renew a right spirit within me, that the bones you have broken may
rejoice." You are going to be restored. God will restore the years that
the cankerworm and the palmerworm have eaten. The Bible says, "You who are
spiritual, if you see a brother, sister, sibling, or offspring of God overtaken
in a fault, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering yourself,
lest you also be tempted."
you are rebuked, it is not to kill you. When you are rebuked, it is not to
destroy you. When you are being corrected, chastised, and facing the
consequences of your actions, it is ultimately to restore you, to bring you
back to your rightful place. Peter, who had a revelation, was the same Peter
who had been rebuked. Peter, the Peter who was rebuked was also restored. On
the day of Pentecost, he preached, he brought forth the word, and thousands of
people came to Christ. Really, Peter.
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