Run Tell That (Matthew 11:5)
like a little tea, they like a little gossip, they like to know that he said
this, she said that. That’s why the tabloids make so much money, and reality
shows are so popular. People like getting into other folks' businesses to
escape from their own lives. They get into other people's lives and then tell
somebody else, “Girl, did you hear?” That’s what was happening in our text
today with John the Baptist. He sent his disciples to put their noses in Jesus'
business. He was questioning if Jesus was the Messiah.
He really the savior of the world? So, they were investigating, gossiping, and
putting their nose in His business. Jesus said, "You know what? Run tell
that. Since you're looking, I'm going to give you a show. I'll give you
something to go and run and tell back to John." I know he is in prison
again for putting his nose in somebody else’s business. “Who’s sleeping with
who,” he said, but let me give you something to tell John. He said, "Tell
him that the dead are being raised, the sick are being healed.
tell that demons are being cast out, that blind eyes are being opened, and deaf
ears are hearing. Run tell that the mute and dumb are talking, and the lame are
walking. Run tell that this gospel is being preached to the poor, and people
are being liberated and set free." If somebody had to investigate your
life and follow you around for a day, what would they have to run and tell?
What will they be able to say about you and what you are doing with your life? Jesus
wasn’t afraid of the gossip; He wasn’t afraid of the reputation, the image. He
was an open book. He said, "Run tell that. I don’t have anything to hide.
Run tell that. Run tell them who I AM, that I AM living the truth of who I am,
that I AM God’s beloved offspring, that I AM made in the image and likeness of
tell that I am perfect, whole, and complete, nothing missing, nothing broken,
and nothing out of place. Run tell that. Run tell that I AM a spiritual being
living in a spiritual universe. Run tell that I AM God’s beloved offspring. Run
tell my identity if you desire something to run and tell. Tell them who I am.
If anybody asks you who I AM, just tell them I AM the offspring of God.
only tell them my identity; tell them my authority, tell them the power by
which I AM doing what I AM doing. God called me, run tell that. God chose me,
God appointed me, and God anointed me. God didn’t take a vote or ask your
opinion about it, but before I was formed in my mother’s womb, God chose me,
anointed me, and called me to be a prophet to the nation. Run tell that. Run
tell that whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven. That’s the kind of
authority I walk in, that whatever I lose on earth is loosed in heaven. That’s
the kind of power, the authority that I work with.
tell that. Run tell my destiny, that I AM living my life on purpose, that I AM
being my best self and living my best life, that I AM healthier now than ever.
Run tell that I have harmonious relationships; even my enemies are at peace
with me. Run tell that. Run tell that I AM having overflowing wealth, increase,
abundance, overflow, and more than enough. Run tell that. If people need
something to tell you, let them see what God is doing in you, through you, and
as you.
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