I AM At PEACE with My Past (Psalm 32:1)

Let's talk about our past. That's right, your past. We all have one, we all have a past, and the past is not just what happened decades ago, years ago, months ago, weeks ago, or days ago. Your past is anything that's not in your present, and we all have a past, so what do we do with our past since we all have them.

Accept your past. You cannot change it. There's nothing you can do today to change your past, so be honest about it, be open about it, accept that you have a past, and everybody else has a past. Be at peace with your past, knowing that you can't change it, and therefore don't lie about it, don't hide it, it's your past. One thing I do is forgetting those things which are behind me, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We all have a past, and when you have a challenge of being open and honest about your past because maybe it's not your past, maybe it's still your present.

Learn lessons from your past. Every past experience you have had is designed to teach you something that you were not able to learn any other way. So, learn the lessons from your past so that you don't repeat the same past patterns.

Bless your past, see your past as a blessing. Everything that you have been through in the past wasn't just from you, but it's given you a testimony. It's for God to get glory, it's for your good, and it's for our growth. Now you have built character, you have built a testimony, something to be able to share with somebody else that if God did it for me, God can do it for you. So, what are you going to do with your past? Accept it, learn from it, and bless it.


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