It’s Not Hocus Pocus. Faith Needs A Focus (Hebrews 11:1).  

I have unwavering trust and confidence in it. You possess awareness of that which you seek to manifest presently in your life. You earnestly pray and believe in God to manifest it expediently. I affirm that you possess the faith required for its realization. Hebrews 11:1 states, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I have the same faith and conviction for my desires. Faith is indispensable in pleasing God. To approach God, one must believe in His existence and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.


The just shall live by faith. Faith is a lifestyle that I embrace wholeheartedly. In Matthew 8:17, Jesus spoke to the centurion, "Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith." The centurion believed that with Jesus' word, his servant would be healed. He had faith for it. What do you believe in God for today? What are your expectations? Your faith requires focus. Often, we lack results from scattering our energy in various directions.


Identify your essential desire. "One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after." Focus your faith on that one thing. Channel your thoughts, words, and actions towards that objective. Manifest your desires, and then progress to the next thing.


Moreover, faith requires action. Faith without works is dead. Are you willing to take action to realize the good desires in your heart? What patterns or habits are you willing to modify? Your faith requires action to get the miracle, the sign, or the wonder you are entitled to as God's beloved offspring.


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