When I Feel, I Deal  With so I Can Heal, Keep It  Real and God  is  Revealed  (Matthew 15:6)

The heart is the emotional center of the soul, and everything that you feel within is reflected in your life and health. The energy of your emotions will always find expression, if not dealt with, in various forms such as sickness, pain, disease, discomfort, and dysfunction. You must learn to confront and heal yourself by taking ownership of how you feel. When I process how I feel, genuine healing takes place, and I connect with God's divine wisdom. Whatever is brewing in your heart finds expression in your relationships as chaos, confusion, contention, competition, and comparisons. Therefore, it is imperative to address how you feel since God is the Creator of thoughts and emotions. Purifying and clearing your heart of any negativity is crucial.


Whatever emotion you harbor shows up in your finances and prosperity. When you entertain bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, or any negative emotion, you block the flow of blessings in your life. Nothing is worth stagnating your prosperity and success, regardless of what someone said or didn't say, or what someone did or didn't do. Therefore, you must confront and work through any guilt, shame, condemnation, or judgments within you because you do not want to sabotage the blessings coming to you. You need to be aware of how you feel and never let other people invalidate your emotions.


Your feelings are not an indication of what is right or wrong but are a gift from the divine. They guide you, be it what to look out for, or when to say yes or no. Don't shy away from expressing your emotions. If you feel the need, you can journal them out, talk to the person who caused them, or seek professional help from a therapist or counselor to address how you feel. When you suppress your feelings, you inevitably indulge in unhealthy behaviors like overeating, drinking, smoking, sex, shopping, or gambling. It is time to confront and release all unresolved feelings to avoid potential addictions and unhealthy ways of coping. Allow yourself permission to feel what you are feeling because Jesus was tempted in all ways as we are, and we have a High Priest who is touched with the feelings of our infirmities.


Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Having a clean heart doesn't mean you won't feel anything; it just means that you will address your emotions, and then let go of them. It's time to address what is truly on your mind and heart, and ponder over what you are feeling. Blessed are the pure-hearted individuals because they see God in all things, people, and events. Every word that comes out of your mouth, whether profane or meaningful, is a reflection of what is lying within. When you hold onto unresolved emotions, it comes out as negative and vulgar language. Therefore, it is acceptable to feel angry without sinning. Jesus got angry, but He used the energy productively and positively. Consequently, don't shy away from channeling your emotions' strength towards positivity, productivity, and healing. Regardless, it would be best if you dealt with how you feel because it's a matter of the heart.


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