Jesus Spoke to the Fig Tree

Read – Matthew 21:18-21

Scripture: “And when the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, look how fast the fig tree withered away (Matthew 21:20)!”

Denial: “I release and let go of anything in my life that is not purposeful.”

Affirmation: “What I say about my life has more power than what anyone else says about me.”

God created the earth; therefore, the earth belongs to God. God has chosen to delegate dominion over the earth to humanity. God gave us dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the animals on the land (Genesis 1:26-28). Whatever happens on the earth, we are responsible, not God.

Jesus, our Wayshower, realized his God-given dominion on the earth and his power over nature. On one occasion, Jesus was doing ministry and was hungry. He was looking for something to eat and he saw a fig tree. As he came closer to the fig tree, he realized that the fig tree was barren. It did not have any figs; it only had leaves. Jesus needed more than leaves to eat so he cursed the fig tree. Immediately, it withered and died.

The disciples were astonished at Jesus’ authority. He assured those who followed him that they had the same power to ensure that everything in their lives fulfills its purpose. Anything not fulfilling its purpose has no reason to exist. According to the Kingdom Principle of Divine Purpose, each of us has a divine purpose and we cannot transition from one dimension of life to the next dimension of life until that purpose is fulfilled.

Reflection Question: What in your life is not fulfilling its purpose? What words can you speak to remove it?


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