What’s the Plan (Jeremiah 29:11)

Many people quote the scripture I know the plan that I have for you says of the lord. I know the thoughts that I think concerning you say the lord, thoughts of good and not of evil to bless you and prosper and to bring you to an expected end, but what’s the plan. Jeremiah said this to the children of Israel when they were being carried off to captivity and Babylon and they were going to be there 70 years but God still had a plan, their idolatry and disobedience did not cancel the plan of God and no decision that we have made in our lives or ever will make in our lives will cancel God’s plan. We can’t cancel Christmas, God’s   plan is going to happen, the abortion and the miscarriage has not canceled God’s plan, the divorce and the separation has not canceled God’s plan. Yes the loss of a job, the loss of a house none of those things can cancel God’s plan. We don’t  always dotted every i, crossed every t, highlighted everything that needs to be highlighted, underlined and italicized everything that need to be done yet God still has a plan. What’s the plan?

The plan is repentance. Repentance is   a change of mind or a change of heart that result in a change of action. The plan is for us to repent, for us to change, for us to do a 180, for us to learn the lesson from the consequences of our actions, for us to get the blessings, to repent to change.

Once we repent there’s reconciliation. The bible says God was in Christ reconciling the world back unto himself. God is in our experiences bringing us  back. God never left us, we got out of place and so the plan is that after we repent, reconciliation  and right relationship will also bring us back. 

What’s the plan? Restoration that God is bringing us back to the promise.  God is  bringing us back to optimal health, harmonious relationships and overflowing wealth.


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