Read – John 1:1-18

Scripture: “I AM the Lord your God, I do not change (Malachi 3:6).”

Denial: “My identity will never change.”

Affirmation: “My spirit is wholeness. My soul is healing. My body is

manifesting that health.”
I AM is always permanent because it speaks of us as spiritual beings.
The I AM is that spiritual part of us that is, always has been, and
forever will be. Spirit is everlasting and is not limited to form, time,
or space. Our spirits take on forms called bodies. When the Spirit
leaves the body, it continues to be, because it is permanent.
Because I AM is permanent, it is essential that we never attach the
words, I AM, to anything that is not permanent. We are never to
associate the words I AM, with anything that is not eternal. For
example, many people say, I am sick, to describe the feelings of
discomfort or pain that they may be experiencing. They also use the
words, I am sick, to express a diagnosis or prognosis that they have
received from a doctor.
In reality, the I AM is not sick. God is not sick and has never been
sick, nor is the I AM of our being sick. It is better to say that I feel
sick because feelings are temporary. Feelings fade. Saying I feel sick,
reminds us that this is not a permanent condition but a temporary
experience. Describing sickness as a feeling, renews our minds
about the truth that I AM health, and this sickness did not come to
stay, it is just passing through our bodies.
Reflection Question: What are the things in your life that are


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