I AM Positive


Read – Philippians 4:4-9

Scripture: “But by the grace of God, I AM what I AM (I Corinthians

Denial – “I refuse to be affected by negativity.”

Affirmation – “I AM a positive person. The words I speak are
positive prayers. Therefore, I get positive results.”

I AM is always positive because it speaks of our God nature. God is good and always positive. We are made in the image and likeness of God; therefore, the I AM of our being is always positive (Genesis
1:16-28). God created the worlds through the words (Hebrews 11:3). God said, “Let there be light and there was light (Genesis 1:5).” As the beloved offspring of God, we have that same power, authority, and ability to create our world with our words (Romans 4:17). Therefore, it is imperative that we never attach the words, I AM, to anything that is not positive. We are never to associate the words, I AM, with anything that is not our highest good. I AM is a constant state of creating. When we assign the words, I AM, to something negative, we are perpetually creating that negativity in our lives and in our affairs.
When we assign the words, I AM, to something positive, we are perpetually creating positivity in our lives and in our affairs. Let us be careful how we use the words, I AM.


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