Scripture, Denial and Affirmation

Read – Luke 4:1-13
Scripture: “Beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith,
praying in the Spirit (Jude 1:20).”

Denial: “I will not tear myself down.”

Affirmation: “I consciously choose to build my self-image, self
esteem, and self-worth.”

Building consciousness through scripture, denials, and affirmations is a daily spiritual practice that develops your soul (mind, emotions, intellect, will) over time. Scripture is the Timeless Truth that has been
spoken, recorded, written, and translated over time. Denials renounce that which you do not desire. They do not deny the existence of external factors, but they deny their power over you (I John 4:4). Affirmations are the individualization of the truth. It is powerfully speaking the good desires of your heart.

Jesus’ experience in the wilderness is a perfect example of the use of scripture, denials, and affirmations. Each time his lower level of consciousness, his devil, presented him with something that was not
the divine and the perfect, he quoted scripture and said, “It is written.” Jesus consistently used his words to deny and to resist the temptation to succumb to his ego. He constantly spoke words that
affirmed his relationship with God and all the rights and privileges that accompanied it.
Your speech is evidence of where you are in your consciousness. No one else can build your consciousness but you. It is your consciousness. You have a right to speak. You also have a choice of
the source of your words. You control whether you speak from the super-consciousness, the sense consciousness, or the subconsciousness.


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