Development Takes Place in the Dark The Kingdom Key of Light & Darkness

READ | Psalm 137:11-16

“What I tell you in darkness, speak in light: and what I whisper in your

ears, preach on the rooftops Matthew 10::27

Darkness in the scriptures is often associated with sin, iniquity, transgressions, trespasses, abominations, wickedness, and unrighteousness (Acts 26:18). Over the past few days, we have learned that darkness also symbolizes the good that is not apparent to us. We now also understand that ignorance can be abated through stillness, meditation, mindfulness, and breathing.

In Jesus’ teachings, there is a third illustration of darkness, development. Zygotes, embryos, and fetuses develop their internal and external organs in the darkness of their mothers’ womb. When babies are born their eyes must adjust to the light because they have been growing in darkness for nine months. Some of the most beautiful photographs were developed in dark rooms. Any bit of light before the film was fully developed ruins the picture. Most plants also grow underground. The process of germination takes place under the dirt. It often appears to the naked eye that nothing is happening until we see a sprout above ground.

Give yourself permission to develop at your own pace. Remember, there is a divine order in the universe. Everything is happening exactly the way that it is supposed to happen, even the darkness. Do not forget that there is a divine timing in the universe. Everything is happening exactly when it is supposed to happen, even the time that it takes for the light to appear. Remind yourself of the truth that there is divine placement in the universe. You are exactly where you are supposed to be in every area of your life, even if it is in darkness.


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