The Lost Younger Son The Kingdom Key of Lost & Found

READ | Luke 15:11-24

In the Parable of the Lost Son, a man has two sons, and he divides his inheritance among them. The younger son takes his inheritance and wastes it in wild living. Later, in a pig pen he comes to himself and decides to go back to his father’s house as a servant.

One of the key points of this parable is that the father never changes his mind about his son. The father’s love is consistent and unconditional. Whether the son is in the house, at the parties, in the pig pen, or the road back home, the father always calls him his son. Even when the son wants to reduce himself to a servant, the father recognizes him as his son. Whether he is a lost son or a found son, he is still a son. Whether he is a dead son or an alive son, he is still a son.

The father sees the son a long way off and receives him with a kiss. The father restores his son by giving him a party, killing the fatted calf, putting a ring on his finger, a robe on his back, and shoes on his feet. The father rejoices that his son that was lost is found. Notice that the son comes full circle. He started in the father’s house and came back to the father’s house. We all start in a relationship with God and are on a journey to return to our rightful place as God’s beloved offspring.


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