The Kingdom Key of Few & Many

READ | Matthew 25:14-31

“Well done my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of the lord (Matthew 25:21).”

Each of the servants received consequences for their increase or lack thereof. The servant with the two talents doubled his talents to four talents. The lord praised him for his efforts and promoted him to the next dimension of leadership. The servant with the five talents doubled his talents to ten talents. Likewise, he was celebrated for his success, and he advanced to the next level. The lord was so proud that he publicly acknowledged their work thus inspiring others to be their best.

The servant with one talent was rebuked, called “wicked” and punished. Wickedness in the text has nothing to do with sin such as lying, stealing, or cheating. He was wicked because he was not fulfilling his purpose and using his talents for the greater good. He knew who his lord was and the unstated expectations. The one talent that he had, was given to the servant who had doubled his five talents into ten talents.

When we use our talents to the glory of God, edify others and make the earth a better place, God rewards us with more. When we fail to use what God has given us, even what we have received is taken away from us.

The question is never whether you are talented. You are. The question is how you are going to discover, develop, and demonstrate your talent(s) to advance God’s Kingdom.


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