Time - The Kingdom Key of Few & Many

Time - The Kingdom Key of Few & Many

READ | Matthew 25:14-31 “We must work the work of God who created and sent us while it is day

because when night comes no one can work (John 9:4).”

After the lord gave his servants their talents, he left them and went on a journey. He did not tell them when he was coming back. He did not stand and watch over them to see what they were going to do with his talents. He gave them time to do what they thought best with the talent(s).

In addition to the gift of talents, we are all given the gift of time. We must make use, not only of our talents, but also of our allotted time. God gives each of us talents and then gives each of us time to discover, develop, and demonstrate our talents. It is imperative that we are good stewards to our time, individuality, and money all from the energy of love.

The scriptures do not tell us how long the lord was away. It just states that “after a long time” the lord came back. We do not know how much time we are given on this earth or when the earth as we know it will end. Nevertheless, we can rest assured that we will not transition until our purpose is fulfilled.


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