Talent Distribution The Kingdom Key of Few & Many

Talent Distribution The Kingdom Key of Few & Many

READ | Matthew 25:14-31 “To whom much is given much is required (Luke 12:48).”

In today’s reading, there were three men who represented three different states of consciousness. The lord gave each one of them a different number of talents. One person was given five talents. Another person was given two talents. Yet another was given one talent. Each person was given talents according to his ability and his divine purpose. Talent distribution was not based on everyone having an equal number of talents, but it was based on each person’s ability to handle the talents that he was given.

God has created each one of us and knows how much we can bear. God knows how much we can handle. Each of us has the capacity to carry something but how much we can carry is different. Therefore, there is no benefit in comparing ourselves to others, comparing what we do to what others do or comparing how much we do to others because each of us are unique manifestations of God.

Everyone is not a multitasker. Some people have a one-track mind. Others can juggle a couple of things well. Then there are those who function best when they have several things to manage at the same time. It is important for us to discern which type of servant we are and how much we can effectively handle so that we are not overwhelmed or underworked. It is God’s will that each of us produce according to our maximum potential. It is God’s desire that each of us live a holistically healthy, balanced, and well-rounded life.


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