N.O. or D.O.?

 N.O. or D.O.?

The Kingdom Key of First & Last

READ | Matthew 19:27-30 “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first

(Matthew 19:30).”

There is a natural order (N.O.) and there is a divine order (D.O.). The natural order of things is not always the divine order of things. For example, the natural order of things is for the oldest child to be in leadership positions and for the younger siblings to submit. Nevertheless, in scripture, the elders often serve the younger as it was with Jacob and Esau; Joseph and his brothers; as well as with David and his brothers.

Many times, it is challenging for us to align our minds with the divine order because we are so focused on the natural order. In our humanity, we often look for things to be fair and even. In Kingdom, it is not about our perception of equality but God’s everlasting purpose. With God there is always a bigger purpose and a higher plan that transcends seniority, age, or ownership.

Sometimes what we consider justice and equality may not be the divine order of God. When it comes to us and our loved ones, we desire justice when we feel that we have been wronged. When we are the ones who have done wrong, we desire mercy. What determines justice or mercy is our purpose. For our soul’s unfoldment we may need the blessing of mercy. For another’s purpose, they may need the lessons of justice. What pleases God is soul development and purpose fulfillment.


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