Prepared for the Unexpected The Kingdom Key of Wise & Foolish

Prepared for the Unexpected The Kingdom Key of Wise & Foolish

READ | Matthew 25:1-13

In the parable, five of the virgins were wise and five of the virgins were foolish. Both the wise and the foolish went to meet the bridegroom. Both the wise and the foolish took their lamps. Both the wise and the foolish slumbered and slept while waiting for the call of the bridegroom. Both the wise and the foolish heard the call of the bridegroom.

The difference between the wise and the foolish virgins did not have anything to do with their sexuality or virginity. Both the wise and the foolish were virgins. The distinction between the wise and the foolish had to do with the oil.

The wise took oil in their vessels with them on the journey. The wise were prepared and the foolish were not prepared. The wise thought ahead and planned for the possibility of the oil depleting while they were traveling. The foolish only thought of the present moment and did not prepare for the future. Wisdom is preparing for the future and being prepared for various possibilities.


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