Lesson or Blessing? The Kingdom Key of Good & Evil

Lesson or Blessing? The Kingdom Key of Good & Evil

READ | Deuteronomy 30:11-20

I have set before you this day the choices of life and good, and

death and evil (Deuteronomy 30:15).”

We see good in every situation. Every situation and life event that takes place in our lives is good because it is either a lesson or a blessing. “All things work together for good to them that love God to them who are called according to God’s purpose (Romans 8:28).” Like Joseph, we understand that even what people mean for evil God uses for our good (Genesis 50:20).

Good that is not apparent is a lesson. The Good that is apparent is a blessing. The coin is a symbol of this Kingdom Key of Good and Evil. Everything that happens in our lives is like a two-sided coin. A coin has two sides: heads or tails. We can choose heads or tails. Heads is the positive view. Tails is the negative view. Coins can be flipped so that even if it lands on tails, we can flip it to heads.

As stated in today’s scripture, God promised to make us the head only and not the tail. Therefore, when negative thoughts and perceptions come to our minds, we can flip the coin or change the thought to heads or good. Although the coin has a tail side, we choose to focus on the head side. Although evil does exist, it is not our focus.


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