A Variety of Responses The Kingdom Key of Sowing & Reaping

A Variety of Responses The Kingdom Key of Sowing & Reaping

READ | Matthew 13:1-23

Telemarketers sow seeds for the business or product they are selling. They spread the message and receive various responses. Not everyone will like, appreciate, follow, agree with, or understand what you are sharing. Jesus said that spreading the Good News and the Kingdom message is like sowing seeds. The teachings will take root in some people and not others. When they do not take root, it is because they fall on ground that is not fertile.

Some hear the message, and it falls by the wayside. It sounds good, they like it, but they do not understand it. When an individual does not understand it, the message cannot take root. It is not enough to hear; there must also be understanding. Others hear the message, get excited, and do nothing with it. Excitement fades quickly if no action is taken.

Then there are those who hear that message but have a thorn competing for their attention, focus, and interest. Some want the trappings of success and get distracted by the world without doing the work for spiritual growth. The thorny place is where there is a competition between the World’s definition of success and the Kingdom’s work for spiritual growth. Thorny places cause us frustrations and fakeness and keep us from receiving the fruits of growth. Desires get choked out by competing attention and focus.


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