Love through nutrition

Love through nutrition

There are several ways to evaluate and demonstrate our love for ourselves. One way is through our eating habits. When we love ourselves, we will feed ourselves properly and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity puts a strain on the body and causes it to break down. It is also important that we eat balanced meals, drink plenty of water and discipline ourselves as it relates to foods that have little or no nutritional value. The same discipline that we exhibit in our eating habits will extend to abstaining from other destructive ways of being, seeing, thinking, speaking, and behaving.

We must also pay attention to what, when and why we are eating. Sometimes we are so busy rushing that we deny our bodies any nutritional substance. We wait so late to eat that our system lacks the energy to properly digest and break down what we have eaten. Sometimes we take better care of our cars than we do ourselves. Food is one of the fuels that keep our bodies going. It is not good to keep running our bodies on empty. This causes our bodies to “break down” and we get sick.

Biblical Foundation for Fasting

Fasting and forgiving is a powerful prayer tool that helps us to live holistically healthy, balanced, and well-rounded lives. Jesus fasted and he taught his disciples to fast as well (Matthew 6:16-18). Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, also reinforced the principle of fasting in his epistles to the local assemblies by telling them that they are to be “in fastings often (II Corinthians 11:27).” There are several different types of fasts in the Bible. One type of fast is the absolute fast. In the absolute fast, people such as Moses (Exodus 34:28-34) and Jesus (Luke 4:1-13) were set apart for 40 days without food or water. Some fasts were for shorter periods of time such as the three days and three nights that Esther did with her maids (Esther 4:1-5:5) or as Jonah did in the belly of the great fish (Jonah 3:1-10). 

Other fasts called for people to abstain from certain foods and drinks for an extended period of time as Daniel and the three Hebrew boys did (Daniel 10:1-21). In this devotional, you will be given the option to choose which type of fast resonates most with you.

Consecration is more than abstaining from certain foods or an attempt to get rid of weight. Consecration is a time to focus and concentrate on your holistic growth and development. 


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