Prayer Tool of Meditation, Mindfulness, and Breathing - Level

Prayer Tool of Meditation, Mindfulness, and Breathing - Level

A level is a tool for establishing a perfectly horizontal plane. It consists of one or more small glass tubes

containing alcohol or similar liquid and an air bubble. The tube is sealed and fixed horizontally in a wooden or metallic block or frame with a smooth lower surface. Meditation, mindfulness, and breathing are prayer tools that keep your soul leveled with your spirit.

Different from the stillness and the silence where your mind is free, meditation focuses on a specific idea. You go into meditation with a question and come out with an answer. Perhaps, you choose to meditate on positive ideas that cause you to get in touch with your spirit, such as a verse of scripture, a song, an affirmation, a mantra, a principle, the ocean waves, etc. Meditation levels your mind and brings you back to the center of your being, which is Spirit.

Popular opinion often refers to meditation as mindfulness; however, in the Kingdom, mindfulness occurs when you become aware in the moment of the thoughts that you are thinking and the feelings that you are experiencing. In your life, you can frequently focus on the past or worry about the future, and practicing mindfulness keeps you grounded in the present. Mindfulness causes you to become even-tempered and at peace with whatever is going on right here and right now.

“God breathed into human’s nostrils the breath of life, and we became living souls (Genesis 2:7).” Without thinking about it, your lungs expand and contract. Concentrating on your breathing helps you relax. Conscious breathing helps you connect with God, the breath of life that is within you. It also recalibrates the brain and rejuvenates the body. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6).” Meditation, mindfulness, and breathing are often combined and flow into each other as one Prayer Tool, the Level.


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