The Sacred Posture of Sitting

And Jesus closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down (Luke 4:20).”

Jesus, our example of what it means to fully human and fully divine, went to a physical place of worship regularly. The synagogue was his church. When I visited Capernaum, I had the opportunity to see just how close the synagogue was to where Jesus and his disciples spent most of their time. Not only was Jesus a regular attendee of the synagogue, but he was an active participant in the worship experience (Luke 4:15-21). He was on the program and read the scriptures. Following Jesus’ example leads us to regular and active participation in a local assembly so that we can fellowship with others.

After doing his part in the service, Jesus closed the book of the Prophet Isaiah, gave it to the presider, and sat down in his seat. Sitting is an appropriate posture for prayer. Sitting is not any less sacred than kneeling, bowing, or standing. When you sit in a church service or your personal space, sit consciously with intention. Give your sitting meaning. Sitting symbolizes resting in the consciousness that all is well. Understanding the Kingdom Principle of Divine Order brings you to the awareness of your internal peace and empowers you to sit and rest in that place of peace.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, in his epistles to the churches, often referenced Jesus being seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1, Hebrews 12:2). After his resurrection and ascension, Jesus sat in his power and authority. Paul built upon this idea and taught that Jesus does not sit alone as you are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:20, 2:6). Make practical application of this posture and sit with people as Jesus sat in the congregation.


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